There are no changes in Nordica’s flight schedule, flights will be departing as scheduled.

  • Customers who have already departed may exchange their return ticket for an earlier date free of charge given there are available seats on earlier flights.
  • Customers who have booked their flight to Nice on flights departing before the end of July may change their flight date or destination free of charge (we offer Split, Rijeka and Odessa as an alternative until the end of the summer season given there are available seats on these flights).
  • Please notify Nordica of the changes at the latest by Friday, 22 July 2016. To change your ticket, please contact the agency you bought the ticket from.
  • Customers who bought their ticket directly from Nordica, please contact us or +372 664 2200.
  • The Foreign Ministry asks all who have not been able to contact Estonians in the area to call them on +372 53 01 9999 or send an email at